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Periodontal Maintenance

Among the causes for periodontal (gum) disease are genetic susceptibility, smoking, and other illnesses like diabetes. Periodontal maintenance involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line by ultrasonic scaling . Most gum disease are preventable with improved oral hygiene. Gum disease can start out as gingivitis (inflamed or bleeding gums) can quickly turn into periodontitis if you are susceptible. In such cases, gums come away from the tooth to create “pockets,” thereby exposing a dental root to infection in the gum. It can also lead to prolonged bad breath, loose teeth, painful chewing and other complications.

Diagnosing Gum Disease

Natalie screens for gum disease at every examination. If you have an area of concern, Natalie will show you where this is, give you advice on how to clean it effectively and you will be reviewed in three months. If the pockets have not resolved by this point then Natalie may suggest further treatment.

Further Treatment

Further treatment involves measuring the pockets in six areas around each tooth. This gives Natalie and you a good idea of the extent of the gum disease, where it is so you can focus your cleaning. Natalie will clean above and below to remove tarter so the gums can start to heal but oral hygiene is key and Natalie will stress this.

It is recommended that you are reviewed every three months by the British Society of Periodontolgy if you have gum disease. Natalie will continue to measure and clean until the gums have healed. There is also an option to use “periochip” to help keep the pockets clear of bacteria which uses chlorhexidine to help reduce the amount of bacteria in the pockets but Natalie will discuss this with you if you are suitable.