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Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, Natalie can help you choose the best solution. Crowns and bridges are custom-fitted ‘caps’ that function and look like natural, healthy teeth. Veneers are a less invasive alternative, but may only be a solution for those with slight tooth damage or discoloration. These thin porcelain veneers are created to exactly match the shade of your teeth. If you need a crown on a front tooth, you may be asked to make an appointment with the dental technician who will be able to perfectly match the colour of your teeth.




A crown, otherwise known as a cap, is custom-fitted to your tooth and is placed over your natural tooth or dental implant. 


  1. We will reduce the tooth to be crowned in a conservative way to create space for the crown

  2. An impression will be taken of your upper and lower teeth

  3. A temporary crown will be made until the lab has fabricated the final crown

  4. The local dental laboratory will make your crown to the required shade

  5. Another appointment is made 2 weeks later for the removal of the temporary crown and for the final crown to be fitted



To replace a missing tooth with a conventional bridge that has neighboring teeth with decay and/or large fillings or existing crowns. The teeth are prepared either side of the missing tooth in a similar fashion to a crown, impressions taken and a bridge made.

The bridge of choice in most instances is a resin bonded bridge. There is no destruction of the neighbouring teeth and simply bonded onto the adjacent healthy tooth giving a fantastic natural appearance.

Types of Bridges:

  • Conventional — Caps are bonded over teeth that lie on either side of the missing one

  • Cantilever — Cap is bonded over a single tooth next to the missing one

  • Resin-bonded — Porcelain “fake” tooth that is supported by a metal wing bonded to the neighbouring tooth.

Bridges are not always suitable but it is something Natalie will discuss with you as each case is different.

It is always discussed in depth with each patient as to the most suitable treatmen, giving all the options and above all, taking into account the patient preferences.

If a bridge is not suitable, Natalie can refer you to someone with a special interest in implants for a consultation. This is something that is discussed at the treatment planning stage.



If you’re looking to cosmetically correct or enhance the appearance of one or more teeth, we may suggest veneers. They are very thin, porcelain ‘shells’ that you can change the color and shape, brightening and evening out your smile. The teeth may need slight reduction in order to make space for the veneers so they are not always the first choice. Porcelain veneers are made at our local dental laboratory so the shade and appearance is incredibly natural.

An alternative to conventional porcelain veneers is direct composite veneers. This requires less preparation of the tooth if any, resulting in no drilling or even anaesthetic.

Composite (white filling material) can be used as an alternative to conventional porcelain veneers. The principle is still the same in which the material is placed over the existing tooth but composite placed on the tooth and set in a single visit.
There are merits to both and Natalie will discuss these with youWe have had some fantastic results with composite.


Common uses for veneers:

  • Chipped or broken teeth

  • Misshapen or irregular teeth

  • Teeth that do not respond to traditional whitening treatments